Get in touch.
Finding the right laser technician is a big decision, and that’s why we offer one of a kind consultations that walk you through your needs, goals, and options based on your budget.
“We have a great opportunity to help safely remove and fade unwanted tattoo ink which was previously deemed permanent.”
Sage Laser Tattoo Removal came to fruition after Kirsty Hannah watched friends and family grow to regret some of their impulsive tattoos from the past (herself included). In countries like the US and Australia, laser tattoo removal had become quite common, but in Canada it was difficult to find effective laser solutions which did not cause excessive bleeding, pain or scarring. Recently, with Health Canada's approval of technologically advanced lasers, tattoo removal is gaining huge popularity as people begin to understand more of its benefits—and it’s process. Trained by the International Laser Academy as a Certified Laser Operator and Laser Safety Specialist, Kirsty helped pioneer the tattoo removal industry in the Okanagan.
"I am so excited to bring this service into the North Okanagan area. We have a great opportunity to help safely remove and fade unwanted tattoo ink which was previously deemed permanent."
With a never slowing approach to training and keeping up-to-date with the best possible equipment to use on her clients, Kirsty is committed to providing the safest, most effective tattoo removal and only uses the RevLite SI by Cynosure. This machine is the 'powerhouse' of lasers within the industry and with it, she can provide treatment to all skin types and treat almost any tattoo ink effectively.
There are different laser at different laser clinics, how do I decide which is best for me?
If you are looking for the high-priced Pico Laser Tattoo removal treatments, we provide equally effective technology at a better price. At Sage, we use the CynoSure RevLite SI laser for outstanding results in the same amount of sessions.
Our machine utilize the same Q-Switch technology as Pico lasers, with greater reliability and on-par results. Q-Switch means that the laser machine emits intermittent pulses of light instead of a continuous beam. Two important concepts to have in mind when talking about Q-switch lasers are pulse speed and pulse duration. Theoretically, a shorter pulse duration results in faster results. Pico lasers employs a pulse duration at a picosecond as opposed to devices that operate in nanoseconds.
What truly is the difference between picosecond and nanosecond lasers? Picosecond machines are marketed as a superior solution technology, with results that allegedly outshine nanosecond machines. These picosecond devices come at a much higher price, and this translates into what clinics need to charge their customers for laser removal services.
Take a look at our gallery of pictures & process. These are the treatment results we get using our laser on our happy clients. I have always believed honestly and transparency are vital is setting up your goals and expectations.